Beyond Unsettling Speaker Series
Discussions in conjunction with PUBLIC 64: Beyond Unsettling: Methodologies for decolonizing futures
Online Roundtable Conversation
featuring Charles Campbell, Yuxwelupton Qwal’qaxala (Bradley Dick) and Farheen HaQ;
moderated by Leah Decter, Peter Morin and Carla Taunton
April 7, 2022 @ 1:30pm (PST)/5:30 pm (AST)
Join the conversation via Zoom:
Passcode: 1Prwm7
Discussions in conjunction with PUBLIC, issue 64: Beyond Unsettling: Methodologies for decolonizing futures.
On Thursday April 7th (rescheduled from January 27th), Open Space is co-presenting the third online roundtable in the Beyond Unsettling Speaker Series, a conversation between previous Open Space board members and Open Space contributors Charles Campbell, Yuxwelupton Qwal’qaxala (Bradley Dick) and Farheen HaQ. Charles, Bradley and Farheen will talk about their collaborative work together exploring the intersections of their own experiences and the lands they inhabit.
This event is part of a series of discussions held in conjunction with the December 2021 issue of PUBLIC 64 — Beyond Unsettling: Methodologies for Decolonizing Futures, guest-edited by Leah Decter and Carla Taunton. “The artworks, conversations and texts in this issue of PUBLIC offer innovative perspectives in non-consumptive, collaborative, ethical and accountable, arts-based approaches to undoing colonial dominance.”
The Beyond Unsettling Speaker Series is co-presented by the Centre for inter-Media Arts and Decolonial Expression (CiMADE), OCADU and NSCAD Media Arts Division, and supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, NSCAD Office of Academic Affairs and Research, CiMADE and Anna Leonowens Gallery. The April 7th roundtable is co-hosted by Open Space Arts Society.
From left to right: Farheen HaQ, Charles Campbell and Yuxwelupton Qwal’qaxala (Bradley Dick)